The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep ... The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep.-Rumi
Scholarship Application
The Golden Bowl Foundation is committed to making these teachings available to all those who have a commitment to their personal and spiritual development. Scholarship funds are available for applicants who do not have the financial means to pay the full price to attend a retreat. We rely on your honesty and integrity in the use of these funds. Please make an honest assessment of your ability to pay for this retreat, and of its value in your life. We are pleased to consider your application for any assistance that you need.
Scholarship amounts can be anywhere up to but no more than 1/3 of the retreat price and will likely include a work-study exchange agreement.
If a payment plan would help you to pay either the full fee or the reduced rate, please suggest a schedule that will be completed within six months of the retreat.
These statements are an accurate reflection of my financial status and honestly reflect my ability to pay for this retreat.